Sunday, 10 June 2007

Piccioni's Traffic boom

This relaxed song which I really like, Traffic boom, by Piero Piccioni, is featured on the cool Beat at Cinecittà Cd and is used in Joel Coen's The big Lebowski (1998).


But I can't find out from which italian movie it is originally. Does anyone know?


Joe D said...

It's from a Lina Wertmuller film, Tutto A Posto Niente In Ordine ( All Screwed Up, USA) 1974

Mahonie said...

Great, thanks!
I must say I haven't seen any of Wertmüller's films, but I do know she co-wrote Violent city. I understand that she has made some very good movies as a director.

Anonymous said...

i was looking fot this too, thanks

Joe D said...

Seven Beauties is an excellent film, Swept Away is great also, see it with someone you want to have sex with! A great score with I Marc 4 performing. The Seduction of Mimi is great also.Lina was an assistant director for Federico Fellini before making her own films.